Friday, January 29, 2016

End of an Epoch

So, tonight, for the last time I bid my dear room mate Sara "goodnight".  She has been so much more than simply a room mate to Patrice and I...

I hear the familiar sounds right now as I lay in my bed, the water running in the bathroom next to my room, cupboard doors opening and the final closing touches to another one of many, many days that have made up this epoch; the bedtime routine that has been a mainstay and a familiar companion to me.

For over five years now this lovely friend has filled this house with more activity and energy than I ever imagined could be contained in one slim body.

Her creativity and passion for life has been overwhelming at times and hugely inspiring at others.  Her art has covered the walls of this home and her presence has been felt and experienced in many beautiful ways.

She is a woman of intentionality and is driven by forces beyond my comprehension, but through all of this her kindness and generosity of spirit have touched me deeply.  I have immense respect for how she pursues God and walks in obedience to what she feels He is calling her to do.  Even when it's very difficult.

She is so very much like family to Patrice and I and the three of us spent a super sweet evening enjoying pizza, apple cider, chocolate and many laughs around the table for our last supper.   The puppies were part of the scene and the bird was being his comical self in the corner as we played a game of cribbage and decided that "we are smarter together."

There is so much comfort in this familiarity and I know that God graced my home and life with her presence for this season out of His great kindness.  I also believe that our prayers of agreement over the years have made a huge difference in our lives and in the lives of those we lifted up before the King.

As much as it feels sobering to end this comfortable routine and season, we both know it is time and are awaiting the new things that God has for each of us.  I feel a real peace, but I know I will miss this lovely companion that knows me and my life and Patrice so very well and has shown both of us immense grace and kindness.

I have known Sara since she was a child, but the depth of relationship that we have forged over these past five years has truly been a tremendous gift.  Having someone to pray with and to share the daily highs and lows of life with here on the hill has been a comfort and a strength for me on so many levels and this understanding and kindredness will be there for the rest of our lives I am sure.

So I'm trusting for God's grace to cover this season of adjustment and change for all of us.  It will be so much quieter up here, but interestingly enough, Patrice has entered into a new ability to engage in life in a far deeper way over these past few weeks which has added a whole new dimension to all of our interactions. She's been on a journey of healing for many years now and it feels like she is experiencing a long awaited and longed for breakthrough as well.

God is in our midst and is looking after all of us.
All His promises are "yes and amen" and we are recipients of His constant goodness.
He daily loads each of us with benefits.
Undeserved but received with deeply grateful and eager hearts.

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