Monday, May 20, 2013

taste of ITALY!

Ha! I forgot to mention my birthday here.
Which is ok EXCEPT that it involved my amazing kids making me the most incredible meal!  THAT is something I would rather not forget!

There was REAL ITALIAN pizza, made with homemade dough and ingredients just like the ones we ate in ITALY (buffalo milk cheese!!) and proscieto ham or something exotic like that.  There was yummy greek salad and a home made mocha cake!

It was so fun watching the cooks in action and the evening was very, very special.  It included Oma and Opa and Tante Hilda and Elsie as well.
A very lovely birthday party.

Much easier to enjoy than the crazy 50th I tried to put on for myself last year!

There were a few other little celebrations with other very special people as well! 

And there were two dozen roses presented to me at church with singing and fanfare which was really awkward, but someone was so lovely and kind to celebrate me like that!

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