Sunday, May 19, 2013


amazing grace
so sweet the sound...

i'm living by grace and experiencing peace
(for the most part)
and am learning to roll through some rough patches

enjoying this season immensely
so grateful for work
so very grateful for a new season
for warmth and color
new life abounding
for friends...

fun places and sunshine

for family
and those in my home
even the puppies that bring us such joy
(and Daniel creating a delicious feast for Mother's Day supper...)

(sara reading her children's book to Oma)

living within the confines of the day
finding so much goodness
grateful for so many unearned blessings

grace, grace, unending grace

getting my hands dirty and planting wee flowers
filling pots with potential
exulting in the colors that are smiling up at me
the fragrances have been an absolute delight

between the work and trials and upkeep
i'm strengthened and helped
and content to be

even book club when only two of us show up for the feast! 

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