Thursday, February 21, 2013

Back from HAWAII

I wish I would have had time to blog when I was in Hawaii as it's always so great to catch thoughts and feelings and moments when they are fresh and happening, but due to severe wifi access constraints, this did not happen.

Anyways, I had a holiday with my girl and it was AMAZING.

I am incredibly grateful for those 12 days in the tropics.
Breathing in the warm moist air,
Hearing the waves crashing along the rocky shore right outside our hotel room,
Listening to the birds creating a fantastic backdrop of sound that went so well with the blue sky and green palms and brilliant flowers,
Watching the live entertainment at the hotel's luau and revelling in the beat of the drums, in the beauty of the native dancers, and in the gentle island singing
Listening with rapt attention and gaining perspective and vision and revelation as David Damien taught at the YWAM campus for 5 mornings straight.
Meeting old friends and sharing in the increasing joy of reunion that Kailua holds for me.
Making new friends and delighting in the fact that I am still finding kindred spirits - even if my new favorite is 24 years older than I am.
Being blown away by my sweet daughter's patience with me and my wheelchair.
Daily she took apart my chair and pushed it into the trunk of our upgraded mustang convertible - often two or three times a day.
Daily she pushed me without complaint over all sorts of strange terrain and up lots of hills to help me to get where I needed to get.
Experiencing the joy of this particular holiday with my dear friend Barb who loves me and mine as if we were her family.
Having this dear friend who is an actual massage therapist rub my back and arm and working miracles in these parts that were giving me so much pain.
Discovering the joy of hydromorphone on the flight home - instead of writhing with pain and discomfort I just sat there half asleep and virtually pain free. WOW.
Being in that familiar environment that feels like a second home and being invited to come and be staff at a YWAM CDTS if it's where the Lord leads.
Finding out again, that no matter how hard a trip starts out there is adventure to be had and joys to experience that make it all worthwhile
AND finding out that usually it all gets easier once I figure out the new routine.

And now for more pictures to tell the rest of the story...

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