Friday, June 15, 2012

not quite right

It's been the strangest week

I started off with such a bang -
woke up the morning after arriving home from Rome (that sounds incredibly exotic so I have to mention it, plus it gives perspective) and went to church!
Then I went grocery shopping due to the emptiness of the fridge,
went home and made a huge pot of chicken soup.
I did laundry (there is far less laundry when you have lost your luggage)
and put away my stuff.
By this point I was tired and not feeling well as the 24 hours previous to our arrival home were brutal.

Seriously - so many loooong flights in those straight backed chairs.
And problems with the throw up bags and my bathroom issues.
It was just long and complicated and there were so many transfers.
One of the transfers I was unable to help with as my body just gave out on me.
This was probably due to the illness that was already setting in.
It was at the end of the 9 hours flight from Rome to Montreal.
I felt floppy and weak like a rag doll.

And imagine.
I was in Montreal and all I saw was the airport and some pretty old buildings, a river and lots of green out of the tiny airplane window.
Seems a pity to be in Montreal and not to stay awhile and investigate.

Oh well.
My body had no energy whatsoever to investigate.
I just had to get it into the next plane which took 5 hours to get us to Vancouver .
We flew right past Kelowna and we were all such a mess.
So tired.
But we still had to sit in the airport and wait for that last little puddle jumper airplane to fly us over the wonderful, familiar mountains to home.

So after visiting Oma and Opa on Sunday evening, I came home and crashed.
And I have not finished crashing.
My chest has been infected, have felt feverish and oh so tired.
Have had some horrible nights with so little sleep and some weird dreams and confusion as to which port I was waking up at.

My lungs are just not doing well.
Almost like i'm drowning in wetness.
So I cough and cough and wheeze and rattle.
I think one of my ribs has been misplaced in the process and it hurts.

Two visits to Dr. Wittel to kill offending bugs and viruses but I'm still drowning.

I get so tired when I'm doing stuff and of course my back is hating this home wheelchair in a big way.
So between lots of spasms, bad nights, drowning lungs, sore eyes and overheating I am just so very very weary.
The wakeful nights are spent wondering too many things.
So I've gone to Psalm 23 and asked for prayer on facebook.

And today I invited Oma and Tante Hilda over with Elsie and Dad surprisingly joined us.
So that was a bit of exhausting, but sweet diversion.
We had lunch on the patio in the sunshine.
There's been lots of rain and more forecast tomorrow so I just felt it was imperative to give the sweet little ladies an outing.

Things just don't feel quite right yet.
At all.
Even though I'm home and sleeping in my wonderful bed
in my wonderful home on my amazing giant yard.

My faith is at an all time low.
So I'm asking others to pray for me.

Oh, and Jesus is praying for me
I just remembered and I need to think on that.
Luke 18 also came to mind when I was nearing the end of the cruise which was riddled with a few awkward times.

We need to keep on praying and not give up.

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