Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Teaching has been invigorating as of late!
Seriously, after so many months of laying down the groundwork
(creating new brain circuitry as Bonnie would remind me)
And doing so many repetitive activities with the same stories I've listened to kids struggle through so many times...
There is VICTORY!
The kids have responded marvelously and I feel like I am reaping a little harvest.
These bright minds are doing what they are created to do!
Pictures imprinted along with letters, and finally the "sounds" are looking familiar enough so that the kids are reading.

It makes me incredibly happy to see actual results when the assessment is completed. All three of them have gone up one or two grades in their word attack.

The last little guy is still really, really struggling though.
He is as cute as a button and he really loves his jelly bean rewards.
He's not ready to be assessed yet and I'm a little nervous that he might not be able to get the grade one words,
But he has come a long way baby!
He was a non reader when we began and through an incredibly long and laborious winter and spring he is now reading.
Slowly, haltingly, some days forgetting the most basic words and sounds that he knew the last time we were reading together, and the decoding just isn't kicking in.
But that's what dyslexia looks like.
Some days are a write off when it comes to reading, but that's ok.
Better days come and slowly but surely we are making progress and this boy is now reading.

I pray in the morning before I go to school that God will help me to be an excellent teacher to these struggling students. They are so bright and beautiful.
I want to inspire and encourage and bless them and make learning as fun as possible.
So I know I need to incorporate more fun prizes and treats - especially for the last little guy on the bottom of the totem pole. He's gonna make it to the top!!

When I went into a classroom I saw the teacher had posted this big verse on her board:

In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait expectantly.
Psalm 5:3

I was struck by the faith that is implied in this attitude and I WANT IT!!
Even when waiting expectantly is not comfortable.

But I am presently exceedingly expectant and excited, because tomorrow I am going to pick up this girl to bring her home...

And just outside these guys are blooming and giving off their heady fragrance to whoever happens by them...

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