Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sunshine in January

Oh what bliss is mine - the New Year greets me with so much sunshine and a great melting away of snow and ice. I can handle winters so much better when it's bright. And not slushy or icy. I am tremendously grateful for this bonus. And trying not to be jealous when i look on facebook and see the loveliest photos of friends in tropical places.... skimming the ocean in sailboats, laying comfortably on loungers near the ocean or poolside. Sigh.

So I find joy in my Kelowna winter and thank Jesus for the bright spots here. And there are so many!!

I've been thoroughly enjoying my college course, for one. My classmates are so much fun and my grammar module has even been almost enjoyable thanks to an amazing instructor. The lady I sit next to is a very dedicated hard working high achiever, but she's also a chatterbox like I am so we make our class time into party time by bringing snacks and drinks. And then there is the couple from Korea who I've been able to have over to my home and who have taken me out to dinner. They are a blast and I will surely miss their vibrant hilarious presence in class when they leave for home in February. I've been working on a take home grammar exam this week which seems to be taking me ridiculously long to write. We had a "microteaching" last Saturday which involves each of us students teaching a grammar point for about 15 minutes in front of classmates and real esl students while being videotaped and evaluated. YIKES!! I was very relieved to get that behind me, although it most certainly went better than the last episode in November.

And the dear son's girlfriend came to visit for a week which was delightful. I just can't help but be happy for them as they are just like peas and carrots!! And oh so sad when they must be apart again. A little romance is kinda fun to have floating around in the air.

In the midst of all of this the father in law went home to be with Jesus. It's the first of the old guard to move on and it is truly a sobering thing. I am so happy for him though as he had suffered for years and was just plain worn out. The funeral was very honoring to his memory and it was special to be together with the family to remember him.

This week has been full of preparation for the bean who is heading off to Guatemala to do a language school for two months. I am thrilled for her, although the house will be awfully empty. I'm glad it's only two months. The excitement is mounting and she will board the plane for the first leg of her journey tomorrow with two of her friends from school. She has recently obtained a laptop so I am looking forward to hearing lots of stories and perhaps skyping with her which will keep me happy.

I've been teaching my students at the school and am trying to finish off their 21 lessons so that I can concentrate on the practicum portion of my TESL course. It will involve 10 hours of observation and 10 hours of actual teaching so this will be a huge Sttttreeeeetchhhhh!! Trying not to think about that too much while I'm concentrating on my exam and other students and getting Patrice off on her adventure.

So, all in all it's a good winter. So far anyways. I don't feel heavy hearted and I think I even feel hopeful which is truly a welcome change. I'm grateful to God for His Steadfast presence and compassion and mercy towards me. For I am desperately needy of all of his kindnesses. All the time.

1 comment:

primrose said...

Karen, my LOVELY Karen. So good to hear from you. We must have skype dates too. Then it could be like I am there with you during the (hopefully short) two month period in which the Bean will be gone.
I love you dearly,