Friday, January 29, 2010

She's Off

Another pleasant winter day. No snow and I am happy!

I am happy!! And it's not even sunny today! Seriously, I know we're not supposed to rely on feelings but I have certainly missed feeling "happy" these last few years. It has come in bits and spurts, but I am hoping this will not be a passing spurt. I would love to feel hopeful and content again on a regular basis. (Did you hear that Lord?!?)

And these feelings are persisting even in light of my dear daughter flying to Guatemala even as I type this!! We had a lovely big sendoff at the airport yesterday and I yelled a farewell "I love you" to the bean as she disappeared into the departures area. God is going with her and she is so ready for an adventure of some sort. I trust God will use this for great good in her life - to lead her into more of Him. Whatever that will look like for her. Cause it's usually different for the bean. I had to let go of trying to make things work for her quite some time ago. (Occasionally I still make twitches in that general direction but she quickly shuts me down and it's back to GOD which is always good.) She's traveling with two lovely Godly friends which is also very helpful and comforting. I kind of wish I could go on a little adventure myself.

But it's not my turn and I'm happy (there's that word again!) to stay here and finish off with my students at HCS and to jump in with both wheels and push through my TESL course. And that will bring us right up to Spring and the dear daughter's return! So I have motivation to keep on keeping on - to work hard and finish well.

So, that's where things sit at the moment. My puppies are here loving me as usual, greeting me with the greatest enthusiasm when I return home. They never seem to tire of the invigorating welcome back routine and it makes me....HAPPY!! So on that note I will sign off.

Thank you Jesus for happiness. Even if it isn't mentioned alot in the Bible. I still really like being happy.

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