Sunday, December 25, 2022

Turkey Time & Christmas

I just LOVR roasting a turkey and I'm so glad the kids are adults now and I don't have to heave the who fellow into the oven on my own anymore.
Although sometimes I'm alone in the house and I fling him in with all my might...
The simplicity of smothering it with onions and butter, salt and pepper and having the house slowly fill with the most awesome aroma just never gets old.

These two beloved of mine.
My cup overflows when I see them interacting and showing so much kindness, love and patience with one another.  
I had prayed OFTEN when they were young that they would be kind to each other as there were definitely personality differences and opportunities for friction but by the grace of God I am able to witness this love and answer to prayer.

I truly could not have asked for better kids.
They astound me and once again evidence of God's kindness and faithfulness. 

Lots of holiday sweetness...and these pictures completely out of order, but sometimes holidays feel like that...a menagerie of rest, fun, food and fellowship.

Puppies doing their thing.

Delicious food.

Necessary haircut to tidy Oma up! 

Love, Love and more Love...

Family interactions


And cuteness overload,

Grateful to God for endless blessings and delights all surrounding the greatest celebration - fireworks of love bursting in the sky as we remember and delight in the humble night when the King of Kings took his place in the humble cradle.  

But THANKS be to God who sent HIs precious Son to redeem and save us

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