Monday, December 21, 2020

Dandy December Days

December started off mild which was only right considering our shockingly early snowfall back in October!

The trees took forever to shed their leaves giving our dear Hannah plenty of outdoor exercise.  Thankfully she loves being outside. 

Decorations went up very early this year - anything to cheer and brighten up the increasingly long, dark evenings. 

I know God has divine purpose in giving us this dark, cold, season and I'm grateful for December being a month of so much beauty and indoor lights with such a glorious focus but
I must say that I still generally dread the months that follow...

Since the decorations were up I made up a whopping big batch of "Pfeffernusse" hoping to have plenty to share.  I am forever in search of the perfect blend of spices and crunchiness!
Mom declared them "good" so I was happy.

With ongoing world-wide restrictions in place I was happy to have on-line teaching events followed by prayer and communion with my global family.

And real life prayer and communion with some of my beloved "bubble"!

I managed to get one last wonderful  coffee date with my dear friend Zeldine before she returned to New Zealand to embark on her two week isolation in a hotel and to continue with looking after her elderly mother. 

Leanne stayed with me for a week as she is drifting from kids to friends as she awaits the move in date of her newly purchased, beautiful home with a view. 
We are happy as "two peas in a pod" as we just love visiting over a good meal and playing games. 

Daniel popped by for a weekend at the beginning of December to say hello and to do some mountain biking just in case his workplace had an outbreak at Christmas keeping him from coming then.
I won't complain - any chance to see him is a gift!!

Sunday evenings usually include a face-time visit with Victor and Marcia, This time Marcia treated us to a visit with her puppet whose name I have forgotten. 
Marcia is so good at thinking of a variety of things to keep life interesting in a season which has been particularly isolated for her and Vic in Alberta.  She has even taken up painting, producing some really lovely works. 

Our Sunday evenings together over a yummy meal are a nice anchor in the week. 
Mom stays with me for the next four nights and Elsie goes home to have her "days off".

I had a most delightful visit and "treatment" with Rob & Dianne at a cafe and I really like their motto, it suits me just fine! 

I think they should adopt this in more places! 

Winnie is endlessly cute and provides both Mom and I with entertainment. 
(sometimes annoyance, but we won't talk about that part...)
She's always hoping to be left to snuggle with mom after I tuck her into bed.  
Look at that irresistible little face peeking out! 

There were many mild, beautiful days for the first half of December...

Always nice to feature some canines along with the beautiful scenery, 

or canines without beautiful scenery! 
Featuring Pip, Poppy and Piglet. 

Winter drives, stopping with a hot coffee to enjoy the beauty. 

Lastly, there were some appropriately snowy days leading up to Christmas!

Here's my cleaning lady Val showing me one of her latest commissioned paintings. 

And Ken (and Barb) bringing by a "socially distanced" early Christmas greeting and gift.

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