Monday, January 13, 2020

New Beginnings 2020

A brand new year and a brand new decade.
Fresh and white as snow, ready to be entered into with prayer, worship, faith and so much joy.
Making my life count,
Changing HISTORY one prayer at a time.

"Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit" says the Lord!
Zechariah 4:6

Ladybug also started the year fresh and prettied up with a haircut courtesy of Patrice and myself.
Doesn't she just look like a classy little Lady?
Red is definitely her colour. 
She cooperated nicely for the photo op.

Patrice wanted her to look her best since she was taking her along to Surrey.

Looks like Ladybug is going to be driving the first shift.

So with the kitchen cabinets packed under a tarp the two of them drove away on a blue sky winter day.
By the time they reached Merritt the winds had ripped into the tarps so Patrice had to stop and buy a new one to cover the cabinets for the last half of the trip.

I enjoyed a wonderful dinner at the Baker's place with the rest of Matthew's micro board. Here is lovely Kathleen with their two resident pups.  So much cuteness!!

The nice weather gave me an opportunity to take Tante Hilda to pick up her pretty new glasses.
She has had a very difficult winter suffering with terrible arthritic pain so it's not easy to plan outings, but by the grace of God I got mom into the car, picked up Tante Hilda and we got the deed done! What a sweet little warrior of love she is.  We are trusting God for her healing, but it's been a long haul for her!

Before Anita left for Iqaluit she invited Tammy and Trisha over for a nice dinner followed by music.  They've been helping out with Ollie's care when Anita is away.

Tammy & Trisha regaled us with beautiful songs.  It was an absolutely wonderful way to spend a cold January evening.
Ollie and Mom were delighted and sang along with the familiar tunes.
So special to have these friends from way back here in my home.
We are family.

We were dipping into an icebox, along with much of Canada, which was accompanied by another heavy blanket of snow.

Definitely January weather! 
Reaching lows of -26 with the wind chill factor.

So Mom and I stayed inside, cozy and warm while the city sat frozen under the frigid skies.

Obviously time for a getaway!

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