Monday, February 18, 2019

February with Furry & Feathered Friends

I'm kind of working backwards here.  
It's October, but I'm trying to do "catch-up" on my blog by going through my photos to see what actually happened last winter.  I noticed a trend happening in February...the following photos were literally ALL taken during that month. (In fact, there were more, but I didn't include them all!) You will also notice that there is not one photo of the dogs where they are not wearing a wooly little sweater, evidence of the frigid February temperatures. 

So here's a blog dedicated to the fine furry & feathered friends who faithfully kept us company in February! 

Despite the fact that February has less days than any other month of the year, I think it felt longer than usual due to the ice box conditions that overtook us.

We were buried in snow and ice and the days were loooong. 

I was often out shovelling!! and Ladybug faithfully kept me company, often with shivering little legs.

Thankfully we had this kind of extreme cuteness happening as a happy diversion.

The birds sang and did their sweet birdie-thing, oblivious to the snow, cold and long dark evenings.  

We all hunkered down and endured, finding refuge in nap-time and hot drinks.

Ladybug was keeping an eye on the noisy construction that was going on as the workers were digging in pipes for a new water system.  

She also faithfully kept watch out the front window...waiting for signs of Spring!

Which did not appear to be on the horizon.

Winter cheerfully charged ahead with more snow and ice.   

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