Thursday, September 17, 2009

Students to Love

As much as I have been apprehensive about starting work at the school again and getting into that routine, I'm happy to be over the hump. The first one, anyways!

I have met my new students. Five fantastic masterpieces... full of promise and potential. And I am privileged to work with them.

One on one.
Twice a week.
My opportunity to make a difference.

To speak life into one who calls himself an idiot. He comes across with such bravado, but underneath he needs to know he's so valuable and precious. I feel like we broke through and that I made a friend. Ah sweet victory... may Jesus bless those moments we spend together to learn far more than how to decode words.

To encourage the young man who is so out of his element in the school atmosphere, but so brilliant with his hands and machinery. He literally glows when he talks about his home business and he so proudly handed me his card.

To help the little ones held back another year to make sense of the letters and words that keep appearing before them. Those bright eager eyes, those humble hearts, so trusting and so beautiful.

And one I have taught before. Now we get to move into new territory. Bigger words and advancement. The 21 lessons stretch out before him and he is so willing to work. Familiar and comfortable. The journey has begun.

Father I present to you this year of teaching and these precious lives. You, dear Holy Spirit are the counsellor and teacher. I call on you to please be present every single time I meet with my students. That you would teach me and you would teach them. Enable us to discover the high calling that Jesus has on each one of our lives.

Help me never to forget what's most important.
To love these ones you've entrusted into my care for these hours every week.

Thank you for this privilege. Let the fruit be eternal.

1 comment:

primrose said...

AMEN! Bless you dear lovely friend.