Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gathering in Ottawa

It's unfortunate that I don't visit here more often. Significant events occur and it's difficult to capture the magnitude of the occasion adequately in hindsight. But better late than never...

In the midst of this smoky, hot summer I boarded a plane and flew to cooler climes in our nation's capital to attend a gathering of the saints. A gathering to honor God in our country and to witness the alignment of this beloved nation with the purposes of God.

Through reconciliation, first with the Jews and then within our borders.
Honoring the First Nations, walking in humility and blessing those who were here first.
Recognizing the significance of protocol, reaching back to heal the future.
Seeking ever greater levels of unity between the English and the French.
Two flags knotted together, two languages mingling, laughter, acceptance, deference.

Unity in the midst of diversity.
The mosaic shining with ever increasing brilliance.
And the rocks of remembrance, brought from all corners of this great land witnessing the acts of obedience, acts of blessing as many peoples chose to honor others above themselves. A cup hewn from the knot of a tree gifted from the first nations to the members of parliament. A drink shared.
Water poured out.
New beginnings.
A shared future.

The rocks have listened and witnessed a new level of unity, and the favor of God is realized.

"The time is fulfilled
The Kingdom of God is at hand"

Get ready Canada!
Through a faithful remnant.
Through many tears and trials.
Through acts of obedience and honor.
The healing has begun.

For the sake of His Kingdom. For the healing of the nations.

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