Thursday, December 20, 1990

Christmas1990 Yearly ReCap

Give thanks to the Lord, 
for he is good.  His love endures forever.”       
                         Psalm 136:1

It’s a joy to be able to write another Christmas newsletter this year and to focus on the many good things the Lord has done for us over the past months.  He truly is a good God and I am so glad that this wonderful Christmas Season is here once again.  Lately I’ve been listening to Handel’s Messiah and I am so blessed by the words and music. What an incredible reason we have to celebrate!

This coming February it will be 4 years since our accident in Hawaii and I must say that I am very glad that the initial years of adjustment are behind us.  God has been so faithful to provide for our needs, to encourage us and to care for us, but now we feel more able to reach out and look a little bit to the needs of others, which is a nice change!  We are hosting a home meeting during the week at our place (which makes it easier for me to attend) where I lead worship and play guitar.  We are studying the book of Philippians this year both at church and in our home groups so we’re getting a good dose of teaching on rejoicing!  Regardless of circumstances our lives should be characterized by the joy of the Lord.  

As I look back on this year I can see that the Lord has truly given me an abundance of reasons to rejoice. Near the beginning of the year I had surgery once again to reduce my muscle spasms and that has made life much easier for me.  I’ve even been able to go completely off all of my medications!  Then in February Ron and I flew down to Anaheim California to enjoy a conference on Holiness.  The teaching was excellent and it was an awesome experience to be able to worship together with about 3,500 other believers.

Daniel is another one of my greatest sources of joy.  He’s been at a delightful age for many months now (turned 4 in October) and he’s also a real help to me.  Quite a responsible little fellow!  He’s still doing well with memorizing Bible verses and it’s a pleasure to hear him pray.  Lately his concern is very much for poor people, but as he was praying for them the other day things came out a bit scrambled.  He said to the Lord,  “Please take care of the poor people, and send US more money”.  I’m sure the Lord knew what he meant!  It’s fun watching him learn new things and I’m enjoying teaching him about creation and how to write his letters.  This year he has also done well in his swimming lessons and now that it’s winter Ron is teaching him how to skate.  I can’t thank God enough for this precious little boy!

Another reason for celebration this year was Mom and Dad’s 40thAnniversary.  We had a special evening with some close friends at a restaurant nearby where we enjoyed a delicious meal and had a good time of singing and visiting.  And Vic was able to come down to Kelowna to surprise Mom and Dad for the event, which was an extra special treat.  Mom and Dad continue to be an incredible blessing to all of us kids and I am so glad we live close enough to see them often.  (Plus it’s an added bonus that Daniel frequently finds his way over there to visit with his Oma and Opa while Mommy rests!) Elsie also moved into her new house nearby which is great so we see lots of her too.

We’re also privileged to have Ron’s parents living in town and Daniel loves to go visit them too. Grandma is always baking some kind of treat or a batch of buns for us, plus we are regularly supplied with beautiful hand knit sweaters made to fit perfectly! Ron’s Dad has had a tough year though as he was diagnosed with cancer, but now that he’s had surgery and is done his treatments things are looking better.  

Ron, of course, continues to keep very busy.  At the beginning of September he put away his electrical tools and he is now working with a good friend Luke under the name of Hannon Management.  This involves contracting out services such as accounting and setting up businesses for interested clients.  He also works for this same friend at the Society of Hope to help single parents find housing and work opportunities among other things.  It’s quite a challenge but Ron is enjoying the change and the opportunity to learn many new things. He also really likes the fellows he works with.  

Now it’s hard to say that I’ve saved the best news for last because I’ve mentioned so many good things in this letter, but we’re pretty excited about the latest development that God is sending our way!  Most of you have probably already heard the news, but according to Daniel, “there is a baby in my mommy’s tummy!”  God willing, we are expecting the arrival of a little brother or sister for Daniel at the beginning of April.  I’m generally feeling very well (other than a heart rate that hits some  phenomenal highs and lows on occasion) and I’m VERY much looking forward to having another baby.

So, as you can see, we really do have a lot to thank the Lord for, but most of all we thank Him for His presence in our lives and for the gift of salvation through JESUS!  

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