Sunday, December 20, 1987

Christmas 1987

Dear Friends & Family,                                                            December 1987

This past year has seen our little family through a great many changes.  It began with Ron, Daniel and I all flying to Hawaii to work with “Youth With A Mission”. 

 However, an accident, which left Ron with two broken legs, and me paralyzed from the chest down, altered our lives immensely.  We praise God for sparing Daniel’s life and we have been so blessed by the joy he brings to us.  God has brought good things out of the situation and we trust that He will continue to do so.  We still have our times of discouragement though.  If it weren’t for our loving supportive family and friends, things would have been much harder.  We are grateful for the many prayers and other acts of kindness shown to us over the past year.  

I left the GF Strong Rehabilitation Center near the end of July after several months of therapy, medical care and exercise.  It was great to be with Ron and Daniel at home and I was eager to be more of a mother to Daniel.  I’ve learned to get him in and out of his crib, highchair and the bathtub – even though it requires some interesting maneuvers!  Daniel has been blessed with a good temperament and has learned to work along with me.  He’s been walking since August and is busy discovering his world, bringing lots of laughter and activity into our lives.  

Ron started building us a wheelchair accessible house in August and we hope to be in before Christmas.  We are presently living with my parents (two houses down from where we’re building!)  Ron is now finishing up his electrical training in Kamloops and he’ll be done December 19th.  He got a full time job at a new Home Hardware store, which has just opened in Kelowna.  He’s looking forward to this job change!  With Ron being so busy, I’ve started to go out on my own more often.  We’ve had our car equipped with hand controls and I’m able to get my wheelchair in and out by myself.  

So it’s been a full year for us and God has been patient and faithful as we learn to trust Him in a greater way.  Even though we don’t fully understand why He allows certain things in our lives, He is in control and loves us immensely!  Through Him we are over-comers.  (Romans 8:37)

Love Ron, Karen and Daniel  

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